Some of our Trophies / Silverware from Cooly Rocks On and the old Wintersun parades. Held by Brian Humphrey.
Dance floor - Etiquette
Generally the rule of thumb is: The outside of the dance floor is for circle dances, going anti-clockwise. The inside is for Rock n Roll and line/partner dancing.
May we ask that the rock n roll dancers dance at the front of the room and the line/partner dancers dance at the back of the room, and then we’re not getting in each other’s way.
Be aware of other dancers around you and don’t dance into their space; glance around before you take a step back; put your partner into a clear space where they’re not going to bump anyone and take smaller steps if it’s crowded.
Tips for our hot weather: Have a shower; if you perspire a lot bring a spare shirt or two; bring a sweat towel and don’t forget deodorant.